
Showing posts from July, 2018

Call for abstracts !

Get a chance to meet renowned speakers from all over the globe !! #Dermatologyconferences #Derm #skin #vitiligo #skincancer #psoriasis #aesthetics #dermatology #DermatologyCongress2018 #skincare #derm #cosmetics   #skindamage #nutrients #collagen   #loveyourskin #foreveryoung #beyourownkindofbeautiful #youthhasnoage #treatyourself #protectyourskin #lovetheskinyouarein #investinyourskin #alwaysmakeroomforbeauty #surgery #cosmetology #cosmeticdermatology #facesurgery #nose #dermatology #skindiseasesconferences #medicalconferences #medevents #clinicalconferences #medicine   #dermatopathology #skinpharmacology #CosmeticDermatology #AestheticSurgery #DermatologyCongress2018 #September2018 #philadelphia #USA Submit your abstracts and get registered for the conference at :

What your Fingernails say about your health ?

Most of the people are curious about their finger nails, especially when they find irregularities. Pitting, ridges, spots and other marks are common on nails and is usually just a cosmetic issue. But there are some nail irregularities that are associated with serious medical conditions. Fingernails can give you clues about what your body is lacking and what it needs more of, such as minerals. #skin #skincare #derm #cosmetics #facial #nail #skindamage #collagen #loveyourskin #foreveryoung #treatyourself #protectyourskin   #naildiseases  #cosmetology #cosmeticdermatology #facesurgery #nose #dermatology    #skindiseasesconferences #medicalconferences #medevents #clinicalconferences #medicine #DermatologyCongress2018   #dermatopathology #skinpharmacology  #CosmeticDermatology #AestheticSurgery #DermatologyCongress2018 #September2018 #philadelphia #USA

Hydrafacial Treatment

Facials are workouts for your skin. 90% of the skin damage is caused by skin exposure. Somewhere in the world, a Hydra facial is performed every 15 seconds. You dont believe that it is more than the total number of Botox Injections administered in the U.S. The unique Hydra Facial philosophy of Skin Health For Life is about not just improving the appearance of the skin, but truly restoring youthful, healthy skin. It uses advanced, patented vortex technology to deliver botanical ingredients with the most desirable nutrients such as hyaluronic acid , horse chestnut seed extract, red algae extract, copper zinc and magnesium peptides. It is also packed with full of antioxidants which work to counteract the damage of free radicals caused by pollution, sun and stress which can damage the skin, accelerating the aging process. The main treatments consists of a six stage process which helps to detoxify the skin, remove dead skin cells, extract any debris and provide long lasting...

Mohs Surgery

Melanoma represents 5% of skin cancer cases, but 74% skin cancer ends in death. Mohs Surgery cures upto 99% of melanoma cases. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, with more than 3.5 million cases diagnosed and treated each year. On average, one in five Americans will develop some form of skin cancer in their lifetimes. Mohs surgery is microscopically controlled surgery used to remove common form of skin cancers. Since its introduction, Mohs micro graphic surgery has been refined into the most advanced, precise, and effective treatment for removing skin cancers. Mohs micro graphic surgery is the most advanced and effective treatment procedure for skin cancer available today. At first the dermatologist removes the cancerous tumor then the tissue is immediately examined for cancer cells. The margins, or outside, of the cancerous tissue are examined. If cancer cells are still found, additional tissue on the outside is r...

Dermal Fillers

#Dermalfillers have become the secret weapon in fighting signs of # aging Fine lines and wrinkles can make you look older than your age. Dermal fillers helps you to restore the loss of fullness in the cheeks, mouth and chin. The treatment takes b/w 15 & 30 minutes, and the results are immediate which lasts from 1 to 2 years. A substance that can be injected into the face to improve the appearance of the skin are called Dermal fillers. At around the age of 25, the body stops producing collagen and elastin, the two proteins that work together to keep tissue firm and skin elastic. And the existing collagen in the body begins to break down. Without these two proteins, the body begins to display the typical signs of ageing (like sunken cheeks, hollow eyes, deep lines & wrinkles) as the body no longer has a means of keeping tissue strong and skin supple. Dermal fillers, the majority of which are made up of hyaluronic acid (a naturally occurring suga...

Early Bird !

Don't be Late - Catch the Early bird Rate !  Register and meet the experts in the field of dermatology.  Only a few days left to save up to $$ on registration to #DermatologyCongress2018    Download brochure at:   #SkinIsTheReflectionOfYourOverallHealth #skincare #melanoma #protectyourskin #skin #sunscreenyourskin #loveyourskin #foreveryoung #beyourownkindofbeautiful #youthhasnoage #treatyourself #protectyourskin #lovetheskinyouarein #investinyourskin #skincareroutine #skindiseases #healthyskin #acne #skinrashes #allergy #sundamage #GlowingSkinIsAlwaysIn #beautyisart #skingrooming #treatyourself #beautyblog #cosmeticdermatology #lovetheskinyouarein #riseandsparkle #dermatology #dermatopathology #skinpharmacology #cosmeticdermatology #derm #woundmanagement #glue #UV #dermatology #skindiseasesconferences #callforabstracts #medicalconferences ...


Healthy skin is not an overnight process !  Invest in yourself.   Because it is going to represent you for a very long time.   To know more, visit: #SkinIsTheReflectionOfYourOverallHealth #skincare #melanoma #protectyourskin #skin #sunscreenyourskin #loveyourskin #foreveryoung #beyourownkindofbeautiful #youthhasnoage #treatyourself #protectyourskin #lovetheskinyouarein #investinyourskin #skincareroutine #skindiseases #healthyskin #acne #skinrashes #allergy #sundamage #GlowingSkinIsAlwaysIn #beautyisart #skingrooming #treatyourself #beautyblog #cosmeticdermatology #lovetheskinyouarein #riseandsparkle #dermatology #dermatopathology #skinpharmacology #cosmeticdermatology #derm   #woundmanagement #glue #UV #dermatology #skindiseasesconferences #callforabstracts #medicalconferences #medevents #medicalconferences #clinicalconferences #medicine #DermatologyCongr...


#DermatologyCongress2018   #skincare #vitamins #skincareroutine #protectyourskin   #tuesdaythoughts #skin #acne #skindiseases #dermatopathology #skinpharmacology #cosmetology #dermatology #conferences #clinicalconferences #skinconferences #medicine #skindiseasesconferences #callforabstracts #medicalconferences #medevents   #philadelphia #USA

Save your skin !! #skincancer

90% of skin cancers can be treated if detected in time !! Check out the ABCDE’s OF Melanoma  #skincancer #saveyourskin Most moles appear on the skin during childhood and adolescence. Moles will grow as the child  grows. Some moles will darken, and others will lighten. These changes are expected and seldom a sign of melanoma, the most-serious skin cancer. These are the following ways in which you can detect melanoma : A change to a mole or a new mole is often the first sign of melanoma. You can find melanoma early by checking your own skin. If you see a mole or other spot that’s growing, itching, bleeding, or changing in any way, immediately make an appointment to see a dermatologist. To know more, visit: #skincheck #yourskinisin #melanoma #spotmelanoma #skincare #sundamage #UVlight #SPF #skincancer #dermtips #melanomaawareness #cosmeticdermatology #aestheticmedicine #dermatology #medicalconfer...

Dermatology Congress 2018

Book your spaces now @ #DermatologyCongress2018    To know more, visit:    Submit your abstracts at:   #dermatology #skindiseasesconferences #callforabstracts #medicalconferences #medevents #medicalconferences #clinicalconferences #medicine #DermatologyCongress2018 #september2018 #philadelphia #USA


#LivingDappled #Itsjustvitiligo Getting lighter and darker at the same time !!   #lightskin #vitiligo Vitiligo is a skin disorder which appears as a result of loss of skin pigmentation. It  can affect people irrespective of their age and gender. Diagnosis of vitiligo include, A Biopsy, which means taking a small sample of your skin to be examined under a microscope, doctors can usually see a complete absence of melanocytes in the depigmented skin of a person with vitiligo. Blood tests to check for autoimmune diseases. An eye exam to check for uveitis, inflammation of part of the eye that sometimes occurs with vitiligo. To know more, visit: #fabulous #skin # #vitiligo #vitiligosupport #strong #skincare #loveyourskin #skinlove #love #patches #AHandtoHold #vitiligoawareness #lovetheskinyourein #sunscreen  #sun   #skinconditions #appearance #health #loveyourskin   #healthyskin #derma ...

#Fridayfollowups !!

#Fridayvibes #almostweekend #letgo   #dermatology #DermatologyCongress2018 #philadelphia #USA  

Fight Cancer !

#thursdaythoughts #fightcancer    To know more, visit :   #skin #skincare #melanoma #cosmetology   #skincheck #yourskinisin #melanoma #spotmelanoma #skincare #sundamage #UVlight #SPF #skincancer #dermtips #melanomaawareness #cosmeticdermatology #aestheticmedicine #dermatology #skindiseasesconferences #callforabstracts #medicalconferences #medevents #medicalconferences #clinicalconferences #medicine #DermatologyCongress2018 #september2018 #philadelphia #USA

Love the skin you are in !

#lovetheskinyouarein #riseandsparkle #skincare   #skin   #sun #skineducation #healthyskin #natural #protectyourskin #antiaging #aesthetics #cosmoshine #summer2k18    #treatyourself #skinrejuvenation #skinburns #beautyblog #skinpharmacology #skindiseases #dermatopathology #cosmeticdermatology #dermatology #conferences #clinicalconferences #skinconferences #medicine #skindiseasesconferences #callforabstracts #medicalconferences #medevents   #dermatology #DermatologyCongress2018 #Philadelphia #USA