Mohs Surgery

Melanoma represents 5% of skin cancer cases, but 74% skin cancer ends in death.

Mohs Surgery cures upto 99% of melanoma cases.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, with more than 3.5 million cases diagnosed and treated each year. On average, one in five Americans will develop some form of skin cancer in their lifetimes.

Mohs surgery is microscopically controlled surgery used to remove common form of skin cancers. Since its introduction, Mohs micro graphic surgery has been refined into the most advanced, precise, and effective treatment for removing skin cancers. Mohs micro graphic surgery is the most advanced and effective treatment procedure for skin cancer available today.

At first the dermatologist removes the cancerous tumor then the tissue is immediately examined for cancer cells. The margins, or outside, of the cancerous tissue are examined. If cancer cells are still found, additional tissue on the outside is removed until healthy, cancer-free tissue around the tumor is reached. This is called “clear margins.”

Mohs surgery is constantly evolving and improving, and are able to treat a variety of skin cancers very effectively.

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