Cheek Augmentation.


The face goes through many changes as we age, and these changes can start very early. Apart from aging, some people are born with varying volume deficiency in some facial areas they decide to correct even before age changes are to begin.

Whether to choose Radiesse,  Restylane Lyft or Sculptra for cheek augmentation will depend a great deal on how your face is proportioned and what may be happening due to volume loss or genetic volume deficiency.

If  cheek augmentation is all you needed, then Radiesse is certainly an immediate wow option and Sculptra has the capacity to change the facial balance in a way Radiesse or other fillers cannot

Restylane Lyft gives a soft and less chiseled appearance; but if you decide you didn’t really need an augmentation after all, it can be dissolved.
With cheek augmentation, the face can be redefined and the skin can appear more tight thereby restoring balance to the face shape. Weak cheeks give a gaunt and aged appearance.

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