Dermatology is not just aesthetics !!

As a discipline which covers the “largest organ of the body”, dermatology is more than just aesthetics. Dermatology is the branch of medicine dealing with the skin, nails, hair and its diseases. It is a specialty with both medical and surgical aspects.  A dermatologist treats diseases, in the widest sense, and some cosmetic problems of the skin, scalp, hair, and nails.

As we grow older, the accumulated sun damage will result in photo-aging and development of other “spots” on the skin. A lot of the changes may be benign, but some of them may be cancers.

Dermatologic study focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions accordingly . It also concentrates on maintaining the health of our skin. Skin is our body's largest organ, which covers and protects your body. Varied  therapies are like,  topical and systemic medications, dermatologic surgery  and dermatologic cosmetic surgery , immunotherapy, phototherapy , laser therapy , radiotherapy and  photodynamic therapy and moreover common skin conditions include warts, ringworm, impetigo, vitiligo, psoriasis and skin tags.

  • Skin Cancer
  • Warts
  • Fungal Infections
  • Dermatitis
  • Psoriasis
  • Acne
  • Atopic Eczema
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