Painless #WrinkleReduction with #Pelleve !

Need Younger looking skin ?? Learn more about #PelleveSkinLightening treatment !

There will be no discomfort during a #Pelleve session. In fact it feels like a hot stone massage.


#Pelleve is a non surgical technique for skin lightening and reduction of wrinkles. It uses radio frequency to painlessly treat deeper layers of the skin. This treatment goes about two millimeters into the skin to rejuvenate collagen elastin fibers without damaging the top layers of the skin.

#Pelleve can be used to treat any combination of the following areas:
  • Forehead
  • Upper face (forehead, upper and lower eyelid)
  • Lower face (mouth, cheeks, jowl)
  • Neck
Unfortunately, the results aren’t permanent. They don’t fade overnight, but body tissue will inevitably go through the aging process, which is different for each individual. Just like #Botox and #Dysport , we recommend quarterly maintenance sessions for the best results.

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