
Showing posts from August, 2018

Psoriasis Awareness Month !

"Psoriasis is not contagious, but awareness is" !! #August is #PsoriasisAwarenessMonth Psoriasis is a complicated disease that is not well understood even though it's been described in medical books for more than years. This disease is a chronic inflammatory skin condition affecting over 7.5 million people  of all skin tones. This condition commonly causes scaly areas of skin usually found on the elbows and knees. The reason why psoriasis is so complicated is that it can show up in the many different forms and each form affects people differently.   What's more is that you can have just one type of psoriasis or you can have several types of psoriasis simultaneously and what you have now may change completely next year. But your dermatologist must determine which type of psoriasis you have since medications to a person varies  depending on the kind / type of psoriasis. Treatments vary based on the type of psoriasis, it’s severity and loca...

Melanoma Awareness

# Melanoma is now the fastest growing cancer in US. Over the past 3 decades most people have skin cancer rather than all the cancers combined. Nobody knows your skin better than you. Keep an eye on it! It could save your life. # skin # skincare # melanoma # cosmetology # skincheck # yourskinisin # spotmelanoma # sundamage # SPF # skincancer # dermtips # melanomaawareness # cosmeticdermatology # aestheticmedicine # dermatology # skindiseasesconferences # callforabstracts #Dermatologyconferences #Derm #skin #skincancer   #dermatology #skincare #derm #cosmetics #skindamage   #surgery #cosmetology #cosmeticdermatology #dermatology #skindiseasesconferences #medicalconferences #medevents #clinicalconferences #medicine #dermatopathology #skinpharmacology #CosmeticDermatology #AestheticSurgery #AdvancedDermatology2019 #August2019 #Toronto #Canada

Advanced Dermatology 2019

Save the dates and secure your slots to meet our experts at  # Toronto # Canada !   Join us by submitting your abstracts at    To know more, visit: #Dermatologyconferences #Derm #skin #vitiligo #skincancer #psoriasis #aesthetics #dermatology #AdvancedDermatology2019 #skincare #derm #cosmetics #skindamage #nutrients #collagen #loveyourskin #foreveryoung #beyourownkindofbeautiful #youthhasnoage #treatyourself #protectyourskin #lovetheskinyouarein #investinyourskin #alwaysmakeroomforbeauty #surgery #cosmetology #cosmeticdermatology #facesurgery #nose #dermatology #skindiseasesconferences #medicalconferences #medevents #clinicalconferences #medicine #dermatopathology #skinpharmacology #CosmeticDermatology #AestheticSurgery #AdvancedDermatology2019 #August2019 #Toronto #Canada

Effect of Teledermatology on access to Dermatology !

Despite the challenges facing its growth, telemedicine is seen as way to improve access to care, particularly to specialists in rural areas where they might be in short supply.Telemedicine is a kind of concept that continues to evolve at a rapid pace, but more and more dermatologists are adopting approaches and analyzing its affects. There are two main models of teledermatology that dermatologists practice today which includes, Store-and-forward : In this asynchronous model, patients provide medical history, relevant clinical data, and photographs, which are forwarded to a dermatologist who reviews the information and follows up with a consultation. Live interactive: In this face-to-face model, a patient has a real-time appointment with a dermatologist over a video platform Meeting technology standards and guaranteeing high-quality video consultations are also big challenges for dermatologists. In addition to the benefits and risks, there are other things a practice or organi...

Dermatology is not just aesthetics !!

As a discipline which covers the “largest organ of the body”, dermatology is more than just aesthetics. Dermatology is the branch of medicine dealing with the skin, nails, hair and its diseases. It is a specialty with both medical and surgical aspects.  A dermatologist treats diseases, in the widest sense, and some cosmetic problems of the skin, scalp, hair, and nails. As we grow older, the accumulated sun damage will result in photo-aging and development of other “spots” on the skin. A lot of the changes may be benign, but some of them may be cancers. Dermatologic study focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions accordingly . It also concentrates on maintaining the health of our skin. Skin is our body's largest organ, which covers and protects your body. Varied  therapies are like,  topical and systemic medications, dermatologic surgery  and dermatologic cosmetic surgery , immunotherapy, phototherapy , laser therapy , radiotherapy and  photody...

Dermal Fillers and Injectables !

" Its never too early or too late to experience the difference " Many people are faced with the common effects of aging including facial wrinkles, creases and folds, thin or flat lips, and hollow areas under the eyes, temples and cheeks. Fortunately there are numerous injectable treatments like BOTOX and dermal fillers available to instantly reverse the signs of aging; These non-surgical treatments work in various ways to provide volume and lift to targeted problem areas – smoothing out wrinkles and lines, plumping flat lips, and correcting hollow areas. Today’s injectables have the power to provide complete facial rejuvenation, giving patients a more fresh and youthful appearance. Injectable treatments are fast and relatively painless and are also less expensive compared to traditional cosmetic surgery. The combination of no down time and minimal cost makes injectable treatments a great alternative to surgery for correcting the effects of aging. Types of in...


" Approximately 90% of all melanomas are caused by UV radiation from the sun" Some melanomas have no color at all. Amelanotic # melanoma may be pink, reddish, purple, normal skin color or even clear! # dermatology # dermatopathology # skinpharmacology # cosmeticdermatology   # Dermatologyconferences # skindiseasesconferences # medicalconferences # medevents # clinicalconferences # medicine #CosmeticDermatology # AestheticSurgery # AdvancedDermatology2019 # August2019 # Toronto # Canada

Cheek Augmentation.

The face goes through many changes as we age, and these changes can start very early. Apart from aging, some people are born with varying volume deficiency in some facial areas they decide to correct even before age changes are to begin. Whether to choose Radiesse ,  Restylane Lyft or  Sculptra  for cheek augmentation will depend a great deal on how your face is proportioned and what may be happening due to volume loss or genetic volume deficiency. If   cheek augmentation  is all you needed, then Radiesse is certainly an immediate wow option and Sculptra has the capacity to change the facial balance in a way Radiesse or other fillers cannot Restylane Lyft gives a soft and less chiseled appearance; but if you decide you didn’t really need an augmentation after all, it can be dissolved. With cheek augmentation, the face can be redefined and the skin can appear more tight thereby restoring balance to the face shape. Weak ch...


"Psychodermatology isn't only about therapies; it's about viewing skin in a way that's fundamentally different from dermatology". Psychodermatology practitioners see skin from a biological and a psychosocial perspective and treat skin the way a psychotherapist treats behavior by learning how it responds to emotional and environmental stressors and helping to moderate those responses. An exclusively biological approach to treating skin disorders can lead to four myths about skin, which includes ; Myth #1: Medical problems need medical solutions. Myth #2: If a skin symptom has no psychological component, psychological tools have no role. Myth #3: Sensitive skin is always a disadvantage. Myth #4: To treat a skin problem effectively, you first need to diagnose the problem. Psychodermatology  practitioners delve into your personal history of dreams and disappointments, family relationships and childhood dramas to find the emotional switc...

Keep An Eye on your moles !

"People who use tanning bed before age 35 increase their risk of melanoma by 75%"   Moles that appear after birth are called acquired moles and generally do not cause any concern.  Those who acquire more than 50 to 100 moles, however, have a greater risk for developing melanoma than those who have fewer moles.  When examining your moles, look for the ABCDE's of melanoma detection.     Asymmetry – one half is not like the other Border – irregular, scalloped, or poorly defined border Color – varied from one area to another, shades of tan, brown, and black Diameter – melanomas are usually greater than 6mm Evolving – a mole or skin lesion that looks different from the rest or is changing in size, shape or color. Contact a Dermatologist if you think your mole might be cancerous.   To know more, visit: #skincheck #yourskinisin #melanoma #spotmelanoma #sundamage #UVlight #SPF #skinc...

Painless #WrinkleReduction with #Pelleve !

Need Younger looking skin ?? Learn more about  #PelleveSkinLightening   treatment ! There will be no discomfort during a  #Pelleve  session. In fact it feels like a hot stone massage. #Pelleve is a non surgical technique for skin lightening and reduction of wrinkles. It uses radio frequency to painlessly treat deeper layers of the skin. This treatment goes about two millimeters into the skin to rejuvenate collagen elastin fibers without damaging the top layers of the skin. #Pelleve can be used to treat any combination of the following areas: Forehead Upper face (forehead, upper and lower eyelid) Lower face (mouth, cheeks, jowl) Neck Unfortunately, the results aren’t permanent. They don’t fade overnight, but body tissue will inevitably go through the aging process, which is different for each individual. Just like #Botox and #Dysport , we recommend quarterly maintenance sessions for the best results. #Derm #skin   ...

Save the Dates !!

Save the dates for # AdvancedDermatology2019 and secure your slots to meet the experts !!!  Join us at # Toronto , Canada on the August of 2019.  To know more, visit:   # Dermatologyconferences   # Derm # skin # vitiligo # skincancer # psoriasis # aesthetics # dermatology # AdvancedDermatology2019 # skincare # derm # cosmetics # skindamage # nutrients # collagen # loveyourskin # foreveryoung # beyourownkindofbeautiful # youthhasnoage # treatyourself # protectyourskin # lovetheskinyouarein # investinyourskin # alwaysmakeroomforbeauty # surgery # cosmetology # cosmeticdermatology # facesurgery # nose # dermatology # skindiseasesconferences # medicalconferences # medevents # clinicalconferences # medicine # dermatopathology # skinpharmacology # CosmeticDermatology # AestheticSurgery # AdvancedDermatology2019 # August2019 # Toronto # Canada

Seborrheic Dermatitis

" Seborrheic Dermatitis is nothing but Dandruff " It usually occurs on the scalp, eyebrows, along the sides of the nose and mouth, and behind the ears. Chest and back skin can be involved, too. The term “seborrhea” means the running of sebum, and early physicians thought it was due to excess skin oil. Skin is dry, red and flaky with some itching. Treatment involves using anti-seborrhea medicines in shampoos and soaps and anti-yeast creams because a skin yeast plays a role, though is not the entire cause. We don’t know exactly why the eczema happens, but we do know that pityrosporum yeast plays some part. #derm #skin #skincare #hair #hairfollicles #alopecia #dermatology #medevents #medicalconferences #skinconferences #clinicalconferences #skinpathology #cosmeticdermatology #dermatopathology #AdvancedDermatology2019 #toronto #canada #august #augustconferences2019

Advanced Dermatology 2019 !!

# AdvancedDermatology2019 cordially invites you all to attend an excellent summit to meet eminent doctors and professionals from all over the world. Save the dates and secure your slots to meet our experts !! Grab this unique opportunity to showcase your research works. Join us by submitting your abstracts at: To know more, visit: # derm # skin  # skincare   # dermatology # medevents # medicalconferences # skinconferences # clinicalconferences   # skinpathology   # cosmeticdermatology # dermatopathology # AdvancedDermatology2019 # toronto # canada  # august # augustconferences2019


Invest in your hair, it is the crown you never take off !!  Alopecia is a condition thought to be a disorder in which the body attacks its own hair follicles that results in a bald spot and stops hair growth.   The damage to the follicles is usually not permanent and your hair may grow back.   To know more, visit:   # hairloss   # hair   # alopecia   # CosmeticDermatology   # SkinPharmacology   # medevents   # medicalconferences   # dermatology   # derm   # skin   # AdvancedDermatology2019   # Toronto   # Canada