Psoriasis Awareness Month !
"Psoriasis is not contagious, but awareness is" !! #August is #PsoriasisAwarenessMonth Psoriasis is a complicated disease that is not well understood even though it's been described in medical books for more than years. This disease is a chronic inflammatory skin condition affecting over 7.5 million people of all skin tones. This condition commonly causes scaly areas of skin usually found on the elbows and knees. The reason why psoriasis is so complicated is that it can show up in the many different forms and each form affects people differently. What's more is that you can have just one type of psoriasis or you can have several types of psoriasis simultaneously and what you have now may change completely next year. But your dermatologist must determine which type of psoriasis you have since medications to a person varies depending on the kind / type of psoriasis. Treatments vary based on the type of psoriasis, it’s severity and loca...